Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Herding Cats 2007

I am sitting here watching Garfield over the top of laptop. I am reminded that cats suck! Yes I am no cat lover at all! So far I have convinced my 3 girls that cats are of the devil, they came as a result of the fall, they began like weeds, as feral cats in that first garden...you get my point!

I don't know if you have ever seen this video? I love it.

They say young adult ministry is similar to herding cats. In my (Scott) experience at Whitford many years ago I found high school ministry not so hard to do (in retrospect!!). Pull together a good show, tell everyone how it was to work and bingo, you get 20 you can get 200...more or less!
But young adults actually have opinions, they...um...think! They care less about moving in packs. They change their minds...but not always collectively so suddenly you have 3 or 4 different streams of thought in any given group of young adults...a good challenge for anyone involved in ministry with them. It's a tough area.

Next year from the 4-6th of May 'Forge and friends' are looking at pulling in a couple of brilliant minds from Victoria who can speak into the issues of ministry to young adults with clarity and brilliance! We are wanting this event not just to be a 'stand and deliver' type talking head conference, but rather a combination of input, open discussion, consultation style small groups and so on.

Stay tuned for more info about Herding Cats - MAY 2007!


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